Robotics Prototype developed as part of the thesis "Swarm Robotics", AADRL Robotic Prototype developed as part of "Swarm Robotics" thesis, AADRL
Architectural Design:
Felipe Sepulveda + Sofia Papageorgiou + Saman Dadgostar + Akber Khan
A.R.M.A.N.D.O. (for its acronym in English for Mechanized Autonomous Rotation and Acting Operator) is a robotic prototype that constitutes a source of evaluation of the physical and operational conditions necessary for the creation of an autonomous system of deposition and material sedimentation.Considering the implications that low-scale intelligence, mobilization capacity and interaction between units suggest for the overall performance of the proposed system, an animalistic approach is established with which to investigate the patterns of behavior that emerge at the local level, and that find Logic stigmergy base.