Architectural Design: BASE studio
Bárbara Barreda + Felipe Sepúlveda
Architectural Collaborator:
Matías RamírezBRIK _ CROPS´ CAFE
BRIK arises from the definition of organizational rules between regular components, in this case parallelepipeds. An algorithm was developed that allows to apply this logic of relations between elements on any surface in order to respond to multiple uses, programs and spatial situations.The system gives the possibility to adjust the section, length and quantity of components on a defined surface so that the system can be easily adjusted to different materialities as well as to various social, economic and technological contexts.In the case of CROPS´ CAFE, as a design strategy, the system is proposed based on wooden components of 8 x 8 x320 cm, elements that are easy to manufacture, accessible and cheap. These elements are added so as to shape the identity elements of the cafe: large bar, seating wall and wall for product display. The components are organized according to generic curves given that define the spaces and conform to the programmatic requirements.